Using Socket.Io with Adonis3.0

Since inbuilt support for web sockets is missing in AdonisJs, using with AdonisJs is extremely simple.

Setting Up Socket.Io #

Using Existing Http connection is very common when starting a websocket server using Let’s start by creating a socket.js file inside app/Http directory.

app/Http/socket.js #

'use strict'

module.exports = function (server) {

  const io = use('')(server)

  io.on('connection', function (socket) {
    console.log('connection created >>>')


This file exposes a function which accepts the HTTP server instance and using that instance you can create a web socket connection. Now you can approach the way you want.

Next you need to import this file inside bootstrap/http.js file. Just before the Server.listen import this file.

bootstrap/http.js #


Server.listen(Env.get('HOST'), Env.get('PORT'))

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