Depreciating self reference inside config files

AdonisJs allows you to define reference to an existing value inside the config files. For example

config/app.js #

module.exports = {
   appKey: Env.get('APP_KEY')

Now you can make use of the above value inside any other config file using the following syntax.

config/auth.js #

module.exports = {
   jwt: {
     secret: 'self::app.appKey'

In order to resolve self references, each Config.get call has to recursively parse the return value and make sure all references to self are resolved.

This behavior causes an unnecessary performance overhead, without any major gains.

adonis-framework@4.0.30 has marked this behavior as depreciated and will be removed in another minor release of the framework ( 4.1.0 ).


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AdonisJs 3.0 Release

The shiny new release of AdonisJs is out today (26th, June 2016). It’s more than just another new version. We have taken a bigger step towards making AdonisJs one of the best and stable framework in the community. 3.0 dev release stayed... Continue →